pro voke touch of silver szampon

Formularz wykorzystuj wyłącznie w celu pozostawienia opinii o produkcie lub zadania pytania na jego temat. Komentarz będzie widoczny dopiero po wcześniejszym zweryfikowaniu go przez naszych pracowników. Potrzebujemy go wyłącznie, aby móc poinformować Cię o tym, że pojawiła się odpowiedź na Twoje pytanie lub inny klient odniósł się do Twojej opinii. Nie kupiłem tego tutaj, ale nie podobał mi się ten szampon. Mam pasemka i ten produkt nie tylko nie zneutralizował żółknięcia, ale także wywołał reakcję alergiczną. Zapach jest bardzo chemiczny. Również dobrze odbarwiały, ale strasznie przesuszały moje włosy, a blond włosy już i tak cierpią. Z tymi produktami tak nie jest. Moje włosy są żywe i łatwe do rozczesania. W celu świadczenia usług na najwyższym poziomie nasza strona wykorzystuje pliki cookies. W każdym momencie możesz dokonać zmiany ustawień w swojej przeglądarce.

pro voke touch of silver szampon

pro voke touch of silver szampon

pro voke touch of silver szampon

pro voke touch of silver szampon

pro voke touch of silver szampon

Formulated with a unique mix of violet and blue pigments, this purple shampoo restores your hair colour by removing yellow and orange brassy tones, whilst optical brighteners add shine. I recently bought this in Tesco and I honestly cant get over the results!! I am very protective of my hair and this has transformed my blonde. I also cant get over the price of the products! I bought this product pre-lockdown, I saw it was on offer and had wanted to try something that would give my naturally blonde hair a pick me up. I was really surprised that I saw a difference after the first wash in terms of lightening the colour of my hair. After continuous use I am really satisfied with the product as my hair is lighter, healthier and in such a good condition. After bleaching my hair I always get banana yellow tones and this lifts them after just one wash. I have been using this hair product of over 2 years now I am in love with it.

Pro voke touch of silver szampon. BRIGHTENING SHAMPOO - Provoke

It completely neutralised the brassy tones and lifted my highlights. This looked a bit scary to put on my hair at first but it didn’t leave any purple tones in my hair, pro voke touch of silver szampon. It also cleans the hair very well. Inni klienci wybrali także. Loved this shampoo. This shampoo brought my hair back to life and all yellowness was gone from my blonde hair — I was back to the platinum blonde I had when pro voke touch of silver szampon hair first got done within just a few washes! Love it — Elly I always have my hair coloured but felt the was a slight yellowness to it this time. This really sorted it at toned it down even after the first wash- and my hair felt great after. After bleaching my hair I always szampon loreal elseve cement ceramid banana yellow tones and this lifts them after just one wash. Touch of silver — Shar This shampoo is great. Best price, most effective, amazing product! Again the shampoo smelled lovely and fresh. Zapach jest bardzo chemiczny.

Fantastic product — Ak Makes my hair very smooth, easy to wash out.

  • Great smelling shampoo — Annat Lovely shampoo.
  • Również dobrze odbarwiały, ale strasznie przesuszały moje włosy, a blond włosy już i tak cierpią.
  • Brilliant shampoo and conditioner really makes my highlights brighter, hair looks and feels lovely.
  • Excellent — Angiebobbles Great purple shampoo, gently but effectively tones down the yellow in my blonde hair.
  • Produkty z tej samej serii.
  • Ekaterina, CHerkassy.


Seriously this is the best I wont buy another purple shampoo after this. Smells good and helps keep new highlighted hair blonde and not brassy. It left it soft and smooth, pro voke touch of silver szampon. Took the brassy tones out of my hair. After continuous use I am really satisfied with the product as my hair is lighter, healthier and in such a good condition.

pro voke touch of silver szampon

pro voke touch of silver szampon

pro voke touch of silver szampon

pro voke touch of silver szampon

Opinie o Pro:Voke Touch Of Silver Brightening Shampoo

Kosmetyki dla kobiet w ciąży. After bleaching my hair I always get banana yellow tones and this lifts them after just one wash, pro voke touch of silver szampon. Brill shampoo — RozBoz Great shampoo to help tone down any brassiness before I get a chance to get it coloured again. Simply Amazing! Blond — Lucylou Great packagingsmells good does the job at brightening. Amazing for the price! Very good shampoo — Em90 The colour is a pro voke touch of silver szampon alarming but honestly has made my hair look so much brighter in combination with the conditioner. Nowości Zestawy. This shampoo helped to take out yellow brassy tones in my blonde hair. Great colour but drying! I do have blonde hair but it does have mostly golden tones.

Again this brings out the blonde, and helps it to stay icy blonde and not go brassy. The shampoo reduced the yellow tones in my hair from the first wash. Great product — gemmab Great product that left my hair feeling soft and manageable.

Makes a difference. Moje włosy są żywe i łatwe do rozczesania. Wyroby pończosznicze. Potrzebujemy go wyłącznie, pro voke touch of silver szampon, aby móc poinformować Cię o tym, że pojawiła się odpowiedź na Twoje pytanie lub inny klient odniósł się do Twojej opinii. The shampoo is quite liquidy, deep purple and it really works to tone brassiness. Loved this shampoo. This brand out performs expensive rivals. Brighten my hair lovely. Refreshed blonde — Jobey I love this shampoo, my hair looked and felt like i had been to my hairdresser. Produkty z tej samej serii. Best shampoo — Brockkk I have been using this hair product of over 2 years now I am in love with it. I always have my hair coloured but felt the was a slight yellowness to it this time. Still use this product as just think it gives a lovely tone to my hair. I love this shampoo. Perfect for blondes! Great Product! Now there are hundreds- but this is still the most effective. Fantastic product — Pro voke touch of silver szampon Makes my hair very smooth, easy to wash out.

pro voke touch of silver szampon